Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, March 20, 2009


Holy crap! YAHOO! So sunday night I decided to go for it and pee on the stick. Really, truly didn't think I was, but acknowledged to myself that it was possible. I was sick of wasting money on the tests so literally up until sunday when we were out and about wasn't going to buy one.

Well we had cleaned out the garage that day so I was feeling all dusty and dirty. Decided to hop in the shower before we all watched a movie. Decided to pee on the stick before the shower (still not really thinking it would show anything) . Well NEEDLESS to say, when I got out and looked down I FREAKED OUT! Craig got really excited as soon as I showed him, after he asked if I was sure "it's not very dark". I told him "pink is pink is pink" it's positive! Then the phone calls and text messaging began!! Yea, I briefly thought about at least waiting until I set up and went in to see the dr, but then realized I couldn't contain myself and my mouth! So......that was the end of that!

So far not feeling too bad. Just waiting for the nausea (hoping it doesn't rear its head too badly!) and the exhaustion to set in. So far I'm tired, but I've also picked up an extra 6 hrs already this week and couldn't exactly sleep monday or tues nights!!!

Haven't been to the dr yet, that's april 2nd. Have pretty much figured out that I'll be due the begining of november sometime.

Those that have seen me freak out with excitement will know what that means. Those of you that have not seen this....well......picture squealing and jumping and shaking, you might get it!


The Carter's said...

Yeah!!! Congrats!

MooreWorld said...

CONGRATULATIONS CC!!!!! Now you won't have to borrow a baby for playdates! haha j/k Take care little mama!