Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Utter Amazement

So I'm *almost* 20 weeks. Will be tomorrow, so here's the 20 week pic.

But the true amazement came with the ultrasound today. Craig was almost completely silent and I cried. First....HOORAY FOR LITTLE BOYS!!! We didn't really care what we were having, but are thrilled to say boy! But to see our baby on the ultrasound.......I don't even think there are truly words. I still feel on the verge of tears when I think about it and look at the pictures. Amazing. What an incredible blessing. And the biggest blessing and answered prayer, everything looks great. He *of course* being mine and craig's had to be a little difficult not moving his hands from his face. So the ultrasound tech got out her little 3D wand and got some GREAT 3D pictures. I think he just wanted to show off, cause after that we got a fabulous profile picture!!!


Amanda said...

Yay! Boys are so awesome :)

MooreWorld said...


The Odvody's said...

Congrats! I had a feeling it was a boy, and I am glad your ultrasound went well!