Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, June 24, 2010

7 months!

We have a 7 mo old!  He's so much fun, I love it!  He's so full of smiles all the time. 

Latest accomplishments:

Finding his *squeal*...and it is FUNNY!  he takes a big 'ol breath and squeals his delight as his face turns red!
Sporting 3 teeth and almost 4!
Lovin his veggies and some fruits.  He's not as big a fan of fruits but he will go APE for some watermelon!
Gave me the funniest face nomming on some of my plum, but kept coming back for more.
Rolling all over the floor now and really trying to get ANYTHING he thinks he can POSSIBLY get ahold of.
Loves sitting up but hasn't figured out how to get there and thinks he can just lay back whenever.
Doin the back scoot.  I find him in some funny places now!

Got our 6 mo pictures done thanks to ChristieEck photography.  She rocks my world!  And bonus....Caleb *LOVES* her.  She gets some of the best sqeals of delight!